Custom Project Management Software

With more than a decade and counting operating in the IT industry, HDWEBSOFT offers professional development services for Custom Project Management Software. Check out what we provide regarding the features (major and extended), benefits and costs of Custom Project and Portfolio Management Software.


The Core Function of Project Management Software

Custom Project Management (PM) Software facilitates the managerial decision-making process on projects and lines up cooperation between 2 parties: project managers as well as project team members and other project stakeholders. As for project-intensive businesses, Custom PM Software is able to offer broad functionality and handle Portfolio Project Management (PPM).

Custom Project Management Software Main Image

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Check out our high-quality Custom Project Management Software Consulting and Development Services.

Key Features of Custom Project Management Software

Based on HDWEBSOFT’s extensive expertise in Custom Software Development, the core functionality of a custom project management system can be outlined as below.

Project Management Software Features

Project Planning

  • Initiating a project and approval of workflows.
  • Establishing project objectives, milestones, KPIs, and deadlines.
  • Setting up and scheduling specific project activities.
  • Analyzing the availability and costs of the desired human, financial, and technical resources.

Project Control

  • Keeping track of the finishing status of every project task and utilization of project resources.
  • Managing the entire project’s progress.
  • Providing real-time updates on the project tasks.
  • Automatically notifying corresponding team members about task updates.
  • Automatically evaluating the project situation (milestones, deadlines, and KPIs are evaluated based on the projected criteria).

Human Resource Management

  • Planning and designating project team members to the project roles.
  • Assigning relevant professionals to the upcoming projects as planned and scheduled.
  • Managing the workload and performance of the project team.
  • Evaluating the progress of every team member.

Financial Resource Management

  • Planning and estimating the project budget in regard to the initially-planned labor and non-labor expenses.
  • Demanding or setting up the required financial resources according to the project budget approval.
  • Arranging project-based budget categories and running scenarios of budget distribution into them.
  • Keeping track of the budget usage on every budget allocation category.

Physical Resource Management

  • Analyzing the real-time readiness of the enterprise’s assets such as machinery, hardware, software licenses, facilities, and medical equipment as well as consumable resources.
  • Controlling the consumption of usable resources and their conformity to the projected quantities.
  • Preparing for the required or high-demand physical resources.
  • Prototyping purchasing VS rental circumstances for physical resources to make informed decisions for the best cost efficiency.
  • Identifying and handling the situations of resource over-distribution.

Time Management

For Project Managers:

  • Controlling how much time each team member spends on each task.
  • Requesting reports on personal working time from project team members.
  • Preparing the planning and visualization of team members’ availability.

For Project Team Members:

  • Keeping a time log for project-obligated activities.
  • Tracking time automatically.
  • Monitoring personal performance and progress.

Risks Management

  • Identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing possible project risks.
  • Managing risk elements throughout the entire project.
  • Establishing risk reduction activities for a responsible project partner.

Project Cooperation

  • Setting up responsibility and collaboration situations within the project team.
  • Arranging and controlling group tasks.
  • Simultaneously working on the project in a group.
  • Providing built-in communication tools or operating with integrated third-party software such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, and the like.
  • Allowing the sharing, editing, and co-authorship of project documents.
  • Establishing and monitoring a project-specific document archive.

Gantt Charts

  • Providing visualization of data regarding the tasks, schedules, and resources of the project in interactive charts.
  • Making up and cracking project activities.
  • Arranging the capacity of the project’s resources.
  • Offering a sole source of truth on the project’s progress for all project partners.

Extended Features for Portfolio Management

Project Portfolio Management

  • Maintaining simultaneous monitoring of all projects in the portfolio.
  • Structurally detailing dependencies between projects, resources, and assets.
  • Designating strategic KPIs for each project in a portfolio.
  • Establishing custom ranking benchmarks for hand-operated or automatic project prioritization in the portfolio.

Program Management

  • Interactive program guiding in compliance with long-term and short-term strategic demands and resource readiness.
  • Designating and managing particular tasks and goals for projects within a program.
  • Recognizing troublesome projects that hinder the program’s success.

Human Resource Management

  • Appointing enough tech and non-tech employees for high-priority projects.
  • Checking employee availability charts to optimize the planning and scheduling of the project.
  • Predicting and handling situations of employees’ over-allocation.

Financial Resource Management

  • Providing automatic approval of workflows according to project and program budgets.
  • Managing the project and program budget usage against the planned budget goals.
  • Automatically assessing the project and program ROI.

Project Portfolio Analytics & Reporting

  • Forming what-if scenarios with different budget and resource usage limits to make informed decisions on the ultimate portfolio optimization strategy.
  • Modeling what-if scenarios for the initiated resources distribution in the cases of projects in competition with the same resources.
  • Generating custom reports on portfolio data, program progress, resource capacity and utilization and et cetera.
Are you in need of a customizable PM software? Let us develop the best-in-class one for you.

Precious Integrations for Custom Project Management Software

HDWEBSOFT highly suggests implementing the integration of Custom Project Management Software with related existing business systems to maximize the perceptibility of project-related statistics and to centralize project HR management, budget planning, and resource consumption monitoring.

We offer free consultations and quotes, so don’t hesitate to contact us for your software needs.

Success Factors of PM Software

Based on HDWEBSOFT’s extensive expertise in implementing Custom Project Management Software, we have established a set of success factors. If properly covered, these elements will contribute a great deal to the maximization of ROI for a Custom Project Management System.

Robust PM Analytics

Make secure the analytic capabilities of your PM solution or employ its integration with third-party AI-powered BI tools to reap benefits from:

  • Near-real-time examination of project efficiency.
  • Precise prediction of project resources’ capabilities and business value the proposed projects may provide.

High Functionality for Project Team Members

To upgrade the productivity of all project team members, make sure your PM solution allows them to:

  • Submit their project-related activities and time working on them.
  • Keep track of their progress against project KPIs.
  • Have access to the project roadmap with detailed visualized dependencies and accountability within the project.
  • Start or join real-life meetings to handle project-related issues.
  • Add and monitor documents in the reserved document storage.

High PM Software Security

Pay close attention to PM software security to keep business data leakage at bay. Such security should be supervised at all stages of the whole software lifecycle:

  • At the requirements collecting stage, for example drawing up a risk profile.
  • During the development of the most viable solution such as adherence to secure coding practices.
  • During the software evolution, for instance, regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing.
If you still cannot make a decision, let our experienced counselors help you.

Expense Considerations for Custom Project Management Software

Key Benefits of PM Solutions

Improved project teams’ productivity.

Optimized HR management.

Minimized project cost overruns and delays.

More promptly-delivered projects.

Mitigated organizational and project risks.

High transparency of project approval process.

Raised ROI of the company’s project investments.

PM Software Expense Factors

For more accurate and sufficient estimate of the investments into a Custom Project Management Solution, take into consideration the related costs as listed below:


  • Functional intricate design (the number and specifics of PM features).
  • The number and kinds of integrations (for example, via APIs and messaging).
  • Performance requirements (the minimum and expected quantity of users, scalability limits, and so forth).
  • Transferring data from separate project management data systems (for instance, department-specific PM tools or Excel spreadsheets).

Support, Maintenance, and Enhancement

Depending on the cruciality of a PM system to your business, you should make decisions on the following:

  • Appropriate support timeframe (8/5, 12/5, 24/5, 24/7).
  • The scale of support tasks to cope with existing PM issues and to facilitate the renovation of your PM solution.

The expense of a multi-feature PM solution with a project management module and a portfolio management module can vary greatly depending on various factors. In spite of the large investments, you can anticipate gaining the following:

  • The payback period is from 1 to 1.8 years.
  • ROI from 140 to 280%.
Wanna talk to our consultants about your PM software needs? Leave us a message here.

When Custom Project Management Software Is Your Best Option

HDWEBSOFT highly recommends that you take into account the development of a custom PM system when you can fulfill the below requirements:

  • Particular and various project management workflows. Even industry-specific PM products like PM solutions for IT, construction, and engineering, professional services usually cannot handle all industry/business/department characteristics of PM procedures and may still end up with complicated and pricey customizations. Custom PM Software, undoubtedly, can assist you in streamlining your business’s project-related processes with high accuracy.
  • A large number of expected users. The monthly expenditure for a platform-based PM solution timed by a great sum of users (e.g., 500+) remains static during the whole interval of the PM solution’s usage. However, over time, it can exceed the initial capital invested in Custom PM Software. This makes it a more cost-effective alternative for enterprises with a large body of PPM users.
  • Intricate software ecosystems for integration with PM software. A few partners provide PM solutions with easy integration with their software suites (for example, Microsoft Project and ServiceNow Project Management), integration with corporate software outside the suites may still demand significant investments in terms of time and finance. With Custom PM Software, you can easily access an integration architecture tailor-made for your company’s software ecosystem (including other custom and legacy migration solutions).
We will help you develop the PM software that can help you lead in your industry and market.

Project Management Software Implementation

With more than a decade of experience in Outsourcing Software Development, HDWEBSOFT proudly and professionally offers consulting and development services for a customizable project management solution to meet the specifics of your industry and business.

Project Management Software Consulting

HDWEBSOFT’s experienced consultants will:

  • Check your industry and business specifics and define the current PM processes.
  • Propose a specification of requirements for your PM software.
  • Design a scalable and highly-protected architecture for the PM solution.
  • Recommend an integration outline to guarantee effective workflows between PM and other business solutions (ERP, HCM, payroll system, et cetera).
  • Estimate the required expenses and time of PM software implementation.
  • Detail the expected ROI and payback interval for the solution of your choice.

Project Management Software Development

HDWEBSOFT’s superb tech team will:

  • Outline a specification of requirements for your project management software.
  • Build a safe and scalable PM software architecture.
  • Develop a convenient and well-configured graphical user interface to ensure the minimal quantity of usage steps for seamless PM workflows.
  • Build the front and back end for Custom PM Software.
  • Perform PM software integration with related business software such as HCM, financial, and payroll software.
  • Carry out full-cycle testing activities.
  • Implement end-to-end support and maintenance and take care of PM software evolution.
Contact us and allow us to demonstrate our expertise in PM software consulting and development.

Case Studies

Headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, HDWEBSOFT is a leading software consulting and software development company with enviable expertise in both frontend technologies such as React.js, and backend technologies such as Cloud Computing. Our superior services include project management consulting and Custom PM Software Development to enable companies of various industries and business models to optimize their financial and HR utilization in any projects and gain significant increases in their business value. Having served clients across the globe, we can guarantee you the best product outcomes with 100% satisfaction.